Wednesday, December 24, 2008


According to, my gift personality is The All-Star Athlete. I match this personality, because i like sports. One gift on the profile that I would really enjoy receiving is Personalized Athletic Shorts for Sporty Chicks, because the shorts are cute. One suggested gift that I would not like to receive is the watch, because its ugly.

I also took the quiz to learn the gift personality of my teenage friend is The Trendanista. Three suggested gifts that I know this person would enjoy are All-In-One Makeup Sets To Go,
Sephora's Fragrance Samplers, and Stylish Mirrors for Her Room.

Additionally, I took the quiz to learn the gift personality of my favorite adult is The Trendanista Three suggested gifts that I know this person would enjoy are Designer Wristlet Bags, Diamond Hoop Earrings, and Manicure, Pedicure & Spa Package Gift Certificates.

If I had a million dollars, a gift that I would purchase for every student on campus is Cute & Compact Digital Cameras, because most of the kids on this campus loves talking pictures.

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