Friday, May 8, 2009

"I Am" Poem

Iam a big dreamer, who trys to chase her dreams
I see my future being sucessful
I hear people doubting me, but never does it bring me down
I smell big opsticals in my life that I have to overcome
I touch pounds of $100 bills
I feel hope in this world
Iam Connie R. Davis who belives

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why T.I is going to Prison

As we all know T.I is a very successful, intelligent, handsome rapper. He sold millions and more albums and had played in various movies. T.I has a wife and 6 kids; he was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia, Bankhead Block 1. T.I grew up in the ghetto, at the age 14 he began to drug deal, and got involved in gangs, he had been in and out of jail plenty of times. T.I is now 28 and he done something that caused him a year and a day in prison and 1000 hours of community service. As we all know guns are illegal to have without a gun license, well T.I was caught with more than just guns he was found with Machine guns, silencers and many more.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Goals for 4th quarter

Name one goal related to your grade or learning in Ms. Priester’s class. Then, name two steps that you will take to help make this happen.

This quarter, I will try hard in school In order to achieve this, I will, pay attention and do all of my work.

Name one goal related to your behavior in Ms. Priester’s class. Then, name two steps that you will take to help make this happen

This quarter, I will listen to the teacher In order to achieve this, I will be quiet and dont get distracted eaisly.

Name one goal related to your grades in all of your classes. Then, name two steps that you will take to help make this happen.

This quarter, I will try and get an A In order to achieve this, I will do all my classwork and homework.

Friday, February 27, 2009

"Response to President Obama"

In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a prerequisite. It is our responsibility as lawmakers and as educators to make this system work. But it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in it. So tonight, I ask every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training. . . . And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It's not just quitting on yourself, it's quitting on your country – and this country needs and values the talents of every American. These education policies will open the doors of opportunity for our children. But it is up to us to ensure they walk through them. In the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a parent – a mother or father who will attend those parent/teacher conferences, or help with homework after dinner, or turn off the TV, put away the video games, and read to their child. I speak to you not just as a president, but as a father when I say that responsibility for our children's education must begin at home.” -President Barack Obama, 2/24/09

This quote applys to me and my fellow high school students, because we are the future and if we keep droping out of school, and no doing anything constructed with our life, then we will be affecting the future in a bad way, because like obama said they need our values and talent and if we keep doing bad and giving up in life, how would we help the economy, we wont be able to, because we wont know anything, we will be poor and some kids will start selling drugs, robbing people and much more uneducated illegal stuff. This quote inspires me because it is something we all need to take consideration in, because this is all of our community and we need to help it just like every one else on our community does. This quote also inspires me because now i know that quitting is not only affecting us and our lives but others and their lives. i would like to see my little brothers and sisters and other people littel brothers and sisters or kids grow up to a healthy community and not struggle because of our mistake of droping out of school.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Poetry Sounds

At first, I thought rhyme was words that sounds the same, but I learned that rhyme is the repetition the sound of stressed vowel and any sounds that follow in word that are close together.

An example of a poem with end rhyme is below. The title is Shopping with a friend, and the author is Rita El Khoury. The rhyme scheme is AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, GG, HH, JJ, KK, LL, MM.

Shopping with a friend is cool,
There's nothing forbidden, no rule
And no parents to say what's suitable
Or to tell you what's unaffordable,
Actually you don't need to be rich
To try on whatever your eyes wish.
Shopping with a friend is so nice
You might forget budget and price
And buy things you don't need
Just by habit, not by greed
Like get ten or eleven similar tops
From two or three different shops.
Shopping with a friend is funny
Even if you don't have money
You can try a formal blue shirt
With a long gypsy orange skirt
Pretend to buy them but act lost
Then don't, because they're low-cost.
Shopping with a friend is naughty
You can act humble or haughty
Change personnalities between stores:
Be a girl who laughs and snores
Or an english tourist, elegant and neat
Who went walking on the street.
But shopping is more pleasant with a friend
Who has a thousand dollars to lend.
On my poetry pretest, I was below grade level, On my posttest, I hope that I will be above or at grade level.

Friday, February 20, 2009

25 Random things about me

1. I hate the dark, but at the same time I hate the light.
2. I like corn on the cobs, but I hate corn thats not on the cob.
3. I hate peanuts and anything form the peanut family.
4. I love Disney channel, I watch it every nite.
5. Carmel is my favorite thing in the world.
6. I am married to T.I.
7. I want to be an actress, model, fashion designer, and a secret agent.
8. When I was 3 years old I drunk paint, (the kind you paint your house with), and I had to go to the hospital and get a lot of shots, in my arms and legs.
9. My favorite numbers are 3 & 5.
10. I want to meet beyonce because she is my idol.
11. I want to be on the Tyra Banks show.
12. I am so scared of spiders.
13. I hate my life at San Pasqual and I wish I never camed here.
14. I hate Bugs no matter how small they are.
15. I hate chocolate, and i dont think that is how you spell it.
16. I fell this assighnment is pointless.
17. I love monkeys, and I want to bye two when i grow up so i can dress the up and feed them bottels, like littel babies.
18. My favorite color is black. brown and blue.
19. My stomach hurts.
20. I hate some people and wish i never met them.
21. I need my nails done.
22. I want to get my hair striaten.
23. I cant think of anything else.
24. I am almost done, with this project.
25. I am so happy I am done with this project. (yah..)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Imagery and Figurative Language Blog Post

At first, I thought imagery was a drawing that explains a writing, but I learned that this was wrong. Actually, imagery is language that appeals to the five sences, I also learned about figurative language. I used to think figurative language was a language that sounds like something but means the opposite, but I learned that figurative language is a way of saying something other than the literal meaning.The three main types of figurative language are, similies, metaphors and personification.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Figurative Language Games

The best figurative language game I played tonight is Paint By Idioms, because it was fun and eaisy. In order to play this game, i had to guess the right idioms, My final score on this game was 13 of 16. If you want to play this game, go to this link

Another enjoyable figurative language game is Drag and Drop Metaphors, because it was fun. In order to play this game you have to drag and drop metaphors. i had to drag and drop the metaphors. my final score of the game was 100%. if yo want to play this game, go to this link

My least favorite figurative language game is Metaphor Battleship, because it was confusing. In order to play this game, I had to guess where the other ships are. My final score on this game was zero. If you want to play this game, go to this link

Monday, January 26, 2009

3rd quarter goals

This quarter, I will try to earn an A or B in this class. In order to achieve this, I will do all my homework and classwork, also I will try not to get destracted.

This quarter, I will, not talk to my peers while Ms. Preister is talking. In order to achieve this, I will wait untill she is done talking.

This quarter, I will try to get a 3.5 GPA. In order to achieve this, I will do all of my homework and classwork, I will also ask for help if I need it.